Van Rooi Meat: Efficient and strongly solution-oriented
Since the beginning of van Rooi Meat existence – from December 1984 – Van Rooi Meat is characterized by its no-nonsense mentality and effective action. We speak the language of the farmer and the consumer, catch signals from the market and translate them into our products and production processes.
All under one roof
Our location in Helmond is strong due to the complete production under one roof. The expansion of the Helmond production facility optimizes this ambition. Recently we produce deboned products for retail bulk and prepackaging for retail in Helmond. The specialized companies within the Van Rooi Group are also an excellent addition to our services.
Satisfying customer wishes
We play a guiding role within the group and gladly show our talented character to other companies. Together with our dedicated employees, we work daily on (specific) customer requirements. An ongoing process of making decisions and adjustments.
Traceable and transparent
Our pigs are primarily from Brabant and Limburg province. Transparency and traceability, as for our customers, are important spearheads. Our beef is from the Netherlands, Ireland and France. Always beautifully spiced, juicy and tender.